{Eulogy of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse: Written
after the Faydah (Spiritual Flood) was proclaimed publicly in 1929}
By: Al-Haji Ma'abdou Niang (The first murid
and first muqaddam of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse)
Translated by:
Sidi Ahmad Boukar Niang
Sidi Ahmad Boukar Niang
In the book;
The Sincere Seeker (Al-Mureed As-Saadiq): Al-Hajj Ma'abdou ibn Shaykh Ahmad Boukar Niang
Download MP3 Audio of this poem (Recited by Adh-Dhaakir Ismail Ameer Zaakireen, [Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeris]) here;
The Sincere Seeker (Al-Mureed As-Saadiq): Al-Hajj Ma'abdou ibn Shaykh Ahmad Boukar Niang
Download MP3 Audio of this poem (Recited by Adh-Dhaakir Ismail Ameer Zaakireen, [Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeris]) here;
» Alfu salaati, ma'a s-salami *** alaa l habiibi, sayyidi l kiyaani
» Alfu salaati, ma'a s-salami *** alaa l habiibi, sayyidi l kiyaani
» May Allah's thousand
blessings/prayers along with peace *** Be upon the most-beloved, the master of
1. Hamdaan li-Rabbi, 'alaa l liqaa'i *** Awfara hazzin, min dhii l awaani
1. I give thanks to my Lord (Creator)
for paving my way, with the best of time.
2. Badru l buduuri, Bahru l buhuuri *** Faydu l fuyuudi, wal Khatmu th-thaani
2. The shining moon, the ocean of goodness. The flood of floods, the second sealed pole
3. Shamsu sh-shumuusi, Ra'assu r-ru'uusi *** Taaju l 'aruusi, Sab'u l mathaani
3. The sun of all suns (the shining sun). The leader of all leaders. The crown of the bridegroom. The 7 most oft repeated verses (Fatiha)
4. Afridtu fardaan, du'iita 'abdaan *** Raqmaan wa lafzaan, Taaju t-Tijani
4. The unrivalled pole, the absolutely pronounced servant of Allah. The Crown of the crowned ones.
5. Ghawthul 'ibaadi, Naf'u l bilaadi *** Yaaquutu haqqin, Ruuhu l ma'aani
5. The succour/support of creatures, the benefits of the regions. The ruby of truth and jewels of essential meanings.
6. 'Abdu l ilaahi, Khalilu-llahi *** Habiibu-llahi, Maktuuma th-thaani
6. Servant of Allah, His intimate and beloved one, to the mysterious saintly pole, the heir.
7. Raddu l a'ajaazi ilaa suduuri *** aayaatu haqqin, ma'anaa l ma'aani
7. Restorer of deficiency of the minds. The true sign (of Allah), and the meaning of meanings.
8. Qar'mu l quruumi, fahmu l fuhuumi *** Khatmu l Qur’aani, nafii s-sinaani
8. The leader of the illustrious ones, the core of understanding. The final dot of Revelation, the real guide.
9. Barhaama hazin, Barhaama sahmin *** Fa huwa hasbii, wa qad kafaani
9. You are my choice Barham and so sufficient an allotment!
10. Mujlii l fuhuuli, mu'uhtii l wusuuli *** Mubdii sh-shu'uuni, khatmu l Qur’aani
10. The revealer of essential truths, the seal of the holy Qur'an
11. Ramzu l wujuudi, sa'adu s-su'uudi *** waafii l u'huudi, Rabii'u th-thaani
11. You are the symbol of existence, the star of Good Hope. The kept promise, and second spring.
12. Adaytu fardaan, shakartu hazin *** Labaytu d-daa'ii, kamaa da'aani
12. I have performed my obligation and my lot satisfies me. I duly answered your call.
13. Anta l murabbii, li-man yulabbii *** nida'u sidqin bi-laa amaani
13. You are the true master for any sincere aspirant who vows to follow you.
14. Bal anta munaadii, thumma l mulabbii *** Li-dhaa ajabtu, bi-laa tawaani
14. You are the caller, I have answered your call without any apprehension
15. Anta l munaadii, anaa l mulabbii *** Labaytu jahraan, duuna-mtihaani
15. You are the caller, and the called and that explains my swift allegiance.
16. Aadhaa l muriidu, yuriidu rayyaan *** Yawmaan wa laylaan, Rabbi anilnii
16. This aspirant longs for lasting gnostic drunkenness. O keeper of the barrels!
17. Wa dhaa muhibbu dah'shaan *** waqtaan wa saa'aan fii l malawaani
17. This beloved of yours aspire for an enduring perplexity.
18. Wa dhaa muhibbu, yuhibbu sidqaan *** wa anta sidqin, bilaa-mtinaani
18. This disciple of yours yearn for truth and you are the truth offered.
19. Anahtu rahlii, janaaba Shaykhi *** Rajawtu min'haa durra l ma'aani
19. I have elected residency near my master, begging from him some jewels of meanings
20. Tammat maqaalii bi-laa kamaali *** Sammaytu min'haa nayla l amaani
20. My words have ended, the topic is unfinished. I entitle this poem: The Attainment of Aspirations!
21. Alfu salaati ma'a s-salami *** alaa l habiibi sayyidi l kiyaani
21. May Allah's thousand blessings/prayers along with peace *** Be upon the most-beloved, the master of entities!
Sidi Mustafa Emmanuel Briggs
So, when Alhaji Abdallah niasse died, he became a murid to Baye Niasse. And took tarbiya (spiritual training) seven years before Sheikh Ibrahim announced the faydah. So, Sheikh Ibrahim in one letter called him "the Abu Bakr of the Faydah and its Umar".
He was the first man to do tarbiya and his sister was the first woman. That sister also became the wife of sheikh Ibrahim and gave birth to one child only for him. His daughter, Sayyidah Ruqayya Niasse. And she was very close to Sheikh Ibrahim. She used to accompany him on his travels some times and he even sent her to Ghana and Sierra Leone to teach people on his behalf. Sidi Ahmad Dimson and others where all her students when they converted to Islam.
So he wrote the poem 'Alfu Salati' in praise of Sheikh Ibrahim.
He died early, probably 1944. He, Usman Ndiaye and another big personality...all died the same year. And Baye said that year was so painful for him, that only the dhikr 'Ya Latif' could remove the pain.
Sidi Muhammad Abdullahi Al-Tijani Al-Ibrahimi
Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (ra) told his Khalifa, Al-Hajj Ma'abdou Niang (ra);
فإن من وجدت من تلامذتنا فهو تلميذ لك وما يجب عليّ فيهم يجب عليك.
Whoever you meet among my disciples is your disciple too. My duty towards them, therefore, is also yours!
the Poetry titled;
Rihlatu Kunakriyyah (A Trip to Conakry)
Rihlatu Kunakriyyah (A Trip to Conakry)
from the Arabic by;
Sidi Muhammad Abdullahi al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi
Sidi Muhammad Abdullahi al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi
Wa Dimnuhu 'Afiyatun lil-Kulli
»There (at Kankan) I received news about my family, I heard that everyone was in good health and prosperity
»Siwa Khalifati Ma'abdou fi Marad
Idhhab Rabbi al-Latif dha'l Marad
»Except my complete inheritor Ma'abdou, who is ill. May my Lord, the Most Compassionate Al-Latif remove his sickness!
»Khayru Muridin wa Khayru Sahibi
Wa Khayru Sihrin wa Huwa Khayru Talibi
»He is the best disciple and the best companion! He is the best in-law and the best student!
»In Kunta Qad Akhadh'tuhu Far'hamuhu
Wa'ghfir-lahu Ya Rabbi wa'l Takrimhu
»If You take his life {Ya Allah}, then have mercy upon him! My Lord! Forgive him and honor him!
»Wa 'Alamin Awladu-hu al-'Uluma
Wah'dihim wa'rzuq-hum al-Fuhuma
»Teach his offspring [abundant] knowledge, and guide them and provide them with [comprehensive] understanding!
»Wa A'tihim Sirru al-'Imam al-Khatimi
Wa 'Umaru Najli Ajal wa Khadimi
»Grant them the secret of Al-Imam al-Khatm {The leader & seal, Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani}, and {especially} my {spiritual} son and my servant, Umar!
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